So I forgot to take a before picture! I am new at the whole tutorial thing. I had recently come across a mirror. Oval and with a really nice border. I was so excited but it did need work. Instead of it ending up in the garbage I took it and decided to redecorate the mirror. I had purchased some glossy white spray paint and planned on painting the frame white. Than leaving it at that. I wasn't really sure how to cover the mirror part so i figured I could scrape the spray paint later. So first I started out with the first coat of spray paint. I did it really thing and liked the way that it was taking to the frame and decided that I wasn't going to do a clean white frame that I was going to make it look more antiqued. I then got some clean acrylic paint and watered it down a bit and went over the mirror with it. The dark paint ran down in the corners of the frame accenting (That's a word right?) the cracks and dings in the mirror making it look older. I went ...
Recycling has been something I have been in to since I first discovered it. People have recycled for a long time, but many trash services have made it a lot easier. Which I think is fantastic! I am not saying that I am super green and that I always recycle, because I don't. My goal is to become better at recycling the things I use and I figure this blog would be a great way to put this in to practice. Since I have started separating my trash out accordingly I have found that I actually have a lot less trash. Meaning less stuff being thrown in to the landfills and actually being reused! Although that is not the only way to recycle. You can always re-purpose old things that you used to have. A shirt that doesn't fit anymore or an empty coffee can. The possibilities are only as limited as your imagination. I plan to put a new post up weekly with some great recycling ideas I have found on the internet as well as some I have come up with myself! I hope you are ready for this. Sh...